Keeping track of your own stress level is crucial. It helps you to pay attention to your own needs, first and foremost, but it also helps you to understand when it’s time to bring in help. By keeping up with how you’re feeling, that’s going to give you better tools to have the assistance your senior needs when you both need it most.

It’s Like Boiling Water
Stress is a little bit like being in a pot of gradually boiling water. You don’t notice at first that things are heating up until suddenly you’re surrounded by bubbles and things are way too hot. The key is to realize where you are and what you’re experiencing so that you don’t get to that point.
Stress Has a Cumulative Impact
Dealing with stress has a cumulative effect on you and your life, which also means that you being under stress has an impact on your senior. She’s counting on you to be able to care for her and to help her to meet her needs, so dealing with your stress levels properly is key in that endeavor.
You Can Keep Tabs on Your Stress
The good news is that you really can keep better tabs on your stress levels. When you make it a point to do just that, you’re going to be a healthier caregiver and you can make better decisions to support your senior and her needs. Learning your stress triggers is one of the first steps. That’s going to allow you to pay better attention to how you’re feeling and to how stress affects you.
Check-in and Do Something
Once you’re paying better attention to your own stress levels, you can start to take actions that support your senior and yourself. For instance, knowing that you need to take time away from caregiving means that you need someone else to take over for a bit. That means hiring elderly care providers to stay with your senior for an hour or longer a week. It may also mean handing over certain tasks to elderly care services so that you can put your focus elsewhere for a little while.
Taking action is going to give you results.
Stress is something you absolutely can do something about, but you have to stay aware of what’s going on. If you’re feeling too stressed to make adequate decisions now, you definitely need some extra help to take some of the load off your shoulders.
If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Homecare in San Marino, CA, please contact the caring staff at Home Care Help. Serving All of Los Angeles County. Call Us Today (888) 989-7388