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Make Reading Part of Your Self-Care Routine

Writer: Marina PinkMarina Pink

You’ve heard a lot about taking care of yourself, so that you have the mental and physical energy left to help your dad. But one area you’re not doing well in is having time to yourself. It’s time to make sure you’re practicing self-care. Leave an hour each day to do something on your own. Reading is a convenient and easy hobby to pick up, and it doesn’t have to cost much.

September is National Library Card Sign-Up Month. If you’re not a patron of your local library. It’s time to explore why you want to go to your library, sign up, and get your dad to sign up simultaneously, so that he can enjoy the benefits.

Free Book Loans

As a library card holder, you can borrow books as much as you want. Even better, if your dad has a tablet or e-reader, he can borrow digital copies and have access to the books he wants to read without having to leave his home.

Libraries contain various genres, so your dad always finds something to read. He might want to head to the mysteries or choose a fantasy novel. There are children’s books, if he has grandchildren or great-grandchildren he can read to.

Books aren’t the only things libraries loan. They may have magazines, newspapers, DVDs, and audio books for lending. If he has a hard time reading due to his vision, he can check out audio books and let the speaker read to him.

Discount Passes

Libraries have more than books for their patrons. Most also have discount passes to area attractions. Your dad could go to the local art museum for free or at a steep discount. Many libraries have free passes to state parks to use the trails, beaches, and picnic areas for free.

He may also find there are free or discounted passes for area zoos, aquariums, and seasonal attractions. Most libraries have family passes, so your dad could check a pass out and enjoy spending the day with you and his grandchildren.

Social Events

Libraries often hold social events throughout the year. The calendar varies, but your dad may find there are book groups, gardening clubs, genealogy programs, and birdwatching clubs. It gives him the opportunity to meet with others in his community and enjoy spending time together doing something that interests him.

Does he need help to do his annual income taxes? Libraries often host tax preparation workshops where he can have a professional help him do his taxes for free.

Leave yourself time for self-care by working with an in-home care specialist. Have caregivers spend time with your dad each day. While he’s being helped by an in-home care aide, get things done so that you have an hour free at the end of the day.

If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring In-Home Care in Glendale, CA, please contact the caring staff at Home Care Help. Serving All of Los Angeles County. Call Us Today at (888) 989-7388.


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